No Humans Were Hurt and Other
Stories from The Jackson County Star
Police Report.
by Jim Dustin
Excerpt from the book:
Sept. 13: There is no Police Report
this week because everybody was really, really busy. Sorry.
On Oct. 3, there were large rocks on
Hwy 127 north of Walden. The large rock removal people were called.
On Oct. 28, a motorist on Hwy 125
south of Walden literally ran into a herd of elk. He bagged one or two of them.
One elk wasn’t found and presumably wandered off. One elk was assisted into that
great grazing ground in the sky. The vehicle was assisted to that great auto
repair shop in Walden.
Apr. 12: Due to the lack of criminal
activity in Jackson County last week, there is no Police Report.
On May 31, a horse and a donkey were
walking down the highway. Although this sounds like the start of a good joke, it
isn’t. The owner of the equines was called.
On June 3, a hitchhiker, after
failing to get a ride, reported to officers that he was trapped in Walden. We
all feel that way sometimes. However, officers assisted him on his way north.