No Humans Were Hurt and Other
Stories from The Jackson County Star
Police Report
In 1998, Jim
Dustin sold practically everything he
owned in Missouri and bought the local
newspaper, The Jackson County Star,
in isolated Walden, Colorado. He had
spent 25 years in the newspaper
business, most of them with the St.
Louis Post-Dispatch as reporter and
editor, and had enough of big city life.
Jackson County’s density of one person
per square mile and Walden’s population
of 700, give or take, was a nice change
from polluted and crime-ridden St.
During his nine years as editor and
publisher of The Star, he has
increased circulation by more than 500
subscribers (we are a small area, after
all) and won accolades from readers
across the country. His editorials are
well received, even when readers
disagree with his conclusions. He has
surely raised the I.Q. average in
Jackson County by several points, and
everyone appreciates the high quality of
the paper.
The Jackson County
Star has won numerous
awards from the Colorado Press
Association since Dustin took over –
best editorial writing, best headline
writing, best humorous column writing,
best sports writing, best sports photos,
to name just a few.
He writes the most popular column in
The Star, the police report, which
has been quoted in The New Yorker.
Dustin recently published his second
book, No Humans Were Hurt and Other
Stories from The Jackson County Star
Police Report.
Dustin’s first book, Dog Tales,
is a well-written and entertaining
collection of short stories featuring
dogs as the main characters. He is a dog
lover who has adopted numerous abandoned
or abused pets and occasionally they are
the subjects of his editorials. |